Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dirigo Telecom Announces Seed Round Funding
Portland, Maine (USA) – September 27, 2007: Dirigo Telecommunications Inc, innovators of breakthrough software and hardware based telecom systems for small and medium businesses (SMB) announced today that it has raised seed round funding of $350,000 from private and state investors.

The company was founded in 2002 by Bill Hunt, after he left Rockwell FirstPoint Contact. He and his team spent 2 years developing the product from ground up, delivering a prototype and launching a few beta sites. Dirigo has created the 1st fully integrated IP-PBX/ACD system capable of working on virtually any telecom platform in operation today including any 3rd party phone sets compatible with the industry standard SIP architecture. Further, Dirigo is the only company in the US providing HIPAA compliant audit reporting capabilities with voice and data.

Dirigo allows resellers and network providers to scale client accounts from 1-1500 lines without any significant operational overhead, costs or time compared to the current competition – a key challenge in the industry today. For end customers, the company brings a full suite of functionality, which until now, was accessible only to large organizations. The company’s unique technology allows these capabilities to be implemented in less time and for much lower cost. This allows smaller firms to build value with its customers, suppliers, manufacturers and other departments in the company. In addition, the product capabilities translate to ease of installation, integration with voice and data and maintenance, which allows for shorter sales cycles, lower cost of support and ownership and compatibility with existing solution. Dirigo currently supports both PBX systems and ACD in a single solution.

The product has won many awards from national telecom standards bodies and has acclaimed credibility at several telecom conferences across the US. The company is in negotiations with big name networking equipment manufacturers for co-development efforts to expand its market niche beyond the SMB’s. Dirigo also plans to expand its position in the market through strategic acquisition.

Dirigo’s clients include small to medium sized businesses, mid-sized contact centers, and a few larger national clients. The company plans to use these funds to expand its market presence in US with very aggressive sales milestones. The company is also in negotiation with telecom resellers in South America, Europe and Russia. Additionally, there are plans to enhance the product to have wireless routers and handsets as well as create redundancy between VoIP and traditional PBX, a fail-over switching mechanism that is currently available only at a large premium to big calls centers.

Bill Hunt has over 20 years experience with customer contact management, both as an engineer and a former entrepreneur. $3M has been invested in the company by the founders so far. Dirigo continues to seek $650k bridge and expects to reach profitability by end of calender year 2008. An exit is expected in 5-6 years.
For more information contact:

Bill Hunt
President & CEO
75 Pearl St - Ste 470
Portland, ME 04101-4101
207 221 6219 Direct
207 221 6200 Main Office
877 870 1234 Toll Free

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Can Service Businesses Raise Institutional Capital

Yes! Any service business positioned strategically in the value chain of the market can raise capital. Though service businesses are rarely funded by venture capitalists, there are exceptions which I will try and explain. I am sure one could argue on all these points below but this exercise is meant to generalize by experiences and observations.

There is an entrepreneur in everyone. We all tend to identify gaps in areas of retail and business through our work, our commute, our daily experiences at grocery stores, the GYM, the yard, etc and many think “I wish there was a better way to do this” or “I am surprised no body ever thought of this before” and my favorite – “How can such a simple thing be so difficult”. Few of us try and investigate better options, the lack thereof inspire us to come up with a solution ourselves. And some take it to the next level by launching companies around their ideas and a select few change the way we lead lives and do business.

Did Tom Stemberg, founder of Staples, loose his mind when he thought of starting a dry cleaning service - Zoots? Same with folks at VistaPrint who make business stationary. Or Paul Conforti’s idea to start a gourmet dessert restaurant - Finalé? What made these people tick and what made their business plan fundable?

Let’s start with the notion of service itself. Service = execution+quality. If I cannot render timely, effective and good quality service, I will loose business because my credibility is brought to light immediately compared to a product only company, which has some wiggle room to defer on quality. I am not going to comment on what constitutes quality as there are numerous books written about it and quality is a state of mind which differs from industry to industry and person to person. (see next paragraph below). But delivering what you claim in a better, faster and in value driven units compared to your competition, is extremely critical.

Over this past week-end, I was in Newburyport, MA. I saw a sign on a roadside food vendor’s cart stating “World’s Best Popcorn”. Few blocks down, I see another sign claiming “World’s Best Burgers”. I recall seeing similar signs in almost all major towns and cities in the US including Topeka, Kansas (let’s not discuss what I was doing there). But which one is the world’s best? Is there a standards body surveying every single burger establishment around the globe? No. Because this is marketing 101, a perception play on how you manage your service brand. Compared to Joe’s Grill, when I go to eat at “World’s Best Burgers”, I expect them to be better, bigger if nothing else. When I walk in, I expect a smiling friendly service, prompt seating, clean environment, pleasant ambience, knowledgeable staff, accuracy of my order and off course – good food. But some might expect half of what I just mentioned and that might be good enough for them.

Service businesses hold 80% weight on execution and 20% on the actual service. From what I have seen, people will pay more if you can execute better than your competition. But execution is the biggest risk for an investor. This is a parameter that is the least predictable and the most volatile with several dependencies. The entire financial forecast depend on your ‘execution strategy’. It takes a heck of a lot of consistent effort to build credibility for a business but just 1 incident to ruin it. Especially in today’s world where getting an opinion on something is just a few clicks away on the internet. Everything is rated now-a-days and everything has stars next to it. I will not go by what the website babbles but by what the folks who used the company have experienced. It is important for a service business to display aggressive sales and brand management effort. The more you sell, the more your brand grows and the more effort you need to put in to manage that brand (complaints, billing errors, mix-ups, etc).

On the hind side, my question is – how can ‘strategy’, a loosely defined non-scientific non-functional term define an exact science like your cash flow statement and valuation matrix five years from now? The short answer is – it cannot. Not even in a product business. The numbers seen on business plans are mere benchmarks and goals to be met. No one can ‘forecast’ anything. I did a study while in business school of how closely institutionally funded start-ups met financial goals. The answer was – more than 90% of the companies were off by at least 75% in year 1 of the forecast, 50% in year 2 and 40% in year 3, on the original forecasted model off course. That is why, entrepreneur’s financial forecasts constantly change to suit the environment he is in. All it means is “how can I fudge some random numbers in order to not look stupid”. But never ignore these numbers as an investor as it defines the level of ludicrousness by the entrepreneur. If someone says I will grow 200% in 1st quarter post-closing, you want to beat up on that and come to a realistic number.

It is important that your service is indeed a people’s business and not something that can be commoditized easily and/or as well. A service business is flexible and has room for tremendous agility unlike product companies – which are structured. If you call Zoots for a pick up, the pick-up guy tells me – “by the way, I am passing by FedEx if you need me to drop anything”. This immediately diversified the business by aggregating multiple services. It’s not in the business plan, but its happening. Why not leverage that and eventually monetize that? Now you have a concierge service. In the same context, a service is delivered by people, not some machine. Employee retention becomes key in this case. Look at the state of Indian call centers. Service suffers because under-trained reps jabber into the phone thinking about where they plan to go next instead of focusing on the business. With only 30% retention, quality suffers and eventually call centers are forced to move back to US, some even by Indian call center companies like Tata. Investors are afraid of these issues. Investors find comfort in knowing that their plan will work. They get nervous if you tell them things could go awry as the company is pretty much these 4 people.

A service company’s ability to display the big picture is key, i.e. franchise opportunity, huge diversification potential, global impact, etc. I love Finalé and have been going there since it 1st started 5+ years ago. I wish there was a location on the North Shore in Massachusetts. I hate to go into Cambridge to experience their service and their products just because of the challenging logistics commuting around Boston. They have been slow in moving to the suburbs and there are reasons for it. Their service is the talent of their bakers - the artists who design their products in real-time. It is expensive to hire, retain and sustain these folks as the restaurant business is brutal with its low margins, high turnover rate, longer ROI timeframes and cyclical markets. Real estate costs and a location that can generate consistent business in a hip environment is key to meet your financial goals in their case. It is difficult to franchise this opportunity in the short term as there are many variables in making this happen on a big scale. But eventually, there will be many more stores and maybe Starbucks will notice them. But there’s no way an institutional investor will wait 10 years see his return. An angel investor might, a corporate investor might – but not a chance that you will raise money from the big guys. At least not in the short term. If you already had an offer from Starbucks or a hotel chain like Starwood or wants to open an eCommerce store in collaboration with Ghirardelli Chocolates or Lindt and you want to raise $20 Million to open a dozen stores around the country, then you are in position to talk.

If your service business has the potential to diversify in several industries and areas and/or if your service can eventually be productized and sold as a packaged solution that will qualify you to raise funds from an institutional investor. However, significant sales traction, a well-known brand equity, innovative service portfolio and high-margins become important before you decide to make your service into a product. H&R Block used to be a tax service many years ago. Now they have a software product, the same one that their reps use. The product we see today was originally built by H&R Block to deliver consistent service along all their chains. Same way, Firedog, an onsite technician help for troubleshooting computer and other technology related issues, now sell their proprietary remote monitoring products.

Defensibility of your service is yet another argument in your fund raise strategy. How does a service business defend itself? When it has a process that is proven to deliver on its promise meeting everything we talked about before. Yes, I can do the same thing you do within a few feet of your establishment, but that does not mean I am going to be able to do it better as I am not yet proven. It’s the same argument that differentiates accountants, laundromats, GYM’s, Insurance companies, grocery stores, etc. If a grocery store has great products but it always takes me a long time to check out, I will stop going there. If my hosted network service provider has fantastic pricing and a bundled package with great value but experiences downtime at least twice a month, I will stop doing business with them. I had 5 pizza joints on the main street of my town – a strip of just quarter of a mile. Why do I consistently call that one place? I have tried all others, on multiple occasions, and they have had consistent issues with orders. 2 of them went out of business last year.

Lastly, a question that I get asked most – which is profitable, to serve the enterprise market or the retail/consumer market? The answer to that is, it depends on what you are trying to do. Many IT Consulting firms (including Deloitte) tried to play a role in the enterprise market, many failed due to lack of product knowledge and applying core competence from an industry stand-point. As long as you can scale your service without heavy capital, know who your customers are, retain higher margins and can serve many people in a short time, I don’t care what you do. In the end, it’s a numbers game for an investor. Service is an experience given by people. As long as that experience is enjoyed by many and you can ‘package’ that experience eventually, you are in the right direction to raise institutional capital.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Selling Institutional Money

At one of the Harvard Entrepreneurship Club meetings, a young graduate asked me “It must be really easy and fun to do what you do – isn’t it?” My immediate intention was to loudly exclaim NOT A CHANCE – HELL NO but at the risk of loosing his interest in what he clearly wanted to passionately pursue, I calmly retorted a coy “Yes, I am sure it is”, before I was pulled into another conversation. If he was smart, he probably got the message I tried to shrug away in my smile.

One of the key job descriptions of any broker-dealer, investment banker or a VC is to sell money. That may sound simple for some folks and one might tend to associate this to bankers giving out loans, but the private equity / venture business takes a different approach to this process. So what entails selling money in this business, why is it so important for everyone and why is this so darn difficult to get deals done? While it is impossible to generalize answers to these questions given the nature of the industry and uniqueness of each deal, let’s try and structure some facts for the sake of arguments. This will at least give a directive for those who have a perception, contrary to reality.

Selling money is selling risk, for both – investors and entrepreneurs. Investors take on risk when they write a check and entrepreneurs give away some risks by mitigating contingencies temporarily. The risk changed hands in this case but it did not go away. If anything, when risk changes hands for a value, it inherently increased for both the parties. In some cases – doubles or triples depending on valuation and execution parameters.

Let’s chat a bit about why a venture deal increases the amount of risk the entrepreneur takes, rather than reducing it. Before I dive into explaining this in two areas – execution and financial; the common sense answer is – now the guy’s got to perform, especially when he’s playing with outside cash. And he needs to perform within confines of defined time frames, sales, product development, etc. And if he does not, that’s a risk. This is where execution risks kick in.

Execution risks have an inverse relationship with financial risks. Higher the execution risk, lower the financial metrics defining your valuation. And as discussed earlier on the blog, for a majority of the institutional investors, the valuation game is a big deal, as it dictates how well the exit strategy is being met. If you are closely reaching your milestones with the constantly shifting strategy at an early stage, you are in a good shape. I am also going to mention the prevalence of market and people risks in this equation – which in many ways, is tied to executing your strategy. Aligning operations towards economic dependencies of your business model and making sure that key personnel are retained and hired is important.

Financial risks are usually dormant until there is a resource contention issue. This is pretty common when high-stakes deals are focused entirely on operations and little on how well the financials are being managed. The CFO is a misnomer for a lot of companies at early stage as the supposition is: there is always a next round. Fiscal prudence on staying reasonably within budget and not creating a crunch at the 11th hour reflects well on the entrepreneur. For investors, if he has managed $1 Million well and achieved more than expected, I am sure he can do a lot more with $10 Million. The reality is, most entrepreneurs approach me when they are in a do-or-die situation – which actually drives investors away. The wild squandering of venture money during the late 90’s is a perfect example of this situation. At the early and growth stage, no one is asking you to be a highly leveraged firm with high liquidity ratios. Remember – the little white sock puppet dog that spent over $50 Million in two quarters for advertisements without paying attention to logistics, manufacturing, vendor contract management, reporting metrics, or any of the old school ideology around sound business practices?

Switching gears to the investors to discuss how selling money and taking on risks makes/mars their fund is important. I would be less inclined to sell you (the entrepreneur) if the size of my fund is $500 Million and you seek $250k on your A round. Same way, I would be more inclined to sell you at favorable terms if the life of my fund is 7 years and I am in my 7th year with more than 25% (a rough guess) uncommitted. And by sell, I don’t mean I am going to write a check to buy a piece of your company the minute you walk in the door. The uniqueness of the deal makes for a longer due diligence process and thus, a longer sales cycle. This is true especially with institutional investors, which are amongst the most sophisticated and structured compared to angels & corporate ones.

My sales strategy will typically depend on a matrix that defines the following:

  • Size of the fund,
  • Focus (expertise) of my team: Telecom, Life Sciences, Hardware tech, Software tech, Manufacturing, Retail, etc.
  • Type of fund: subordinate debt, private, corporate, hybrid, economic development funds, etc.
  • Fund strategy: e.g. 50% direct investments and 50% FoF – Fund of Funds Investments
  • Stage of the fund: e.g. Year 2 on a 8 year fund vs. year 7 in a 7 year fund
  • Amount committed till date and amount retained for future participation on syndicated (co-investor) deals.
  • Current Yield (Not Nominal Yield – as venture funds speculate on opportunity cost of investments) on fund returns: What is the firm doing with the fund cash at bank?
  • Performance of current (exists and on-going investments) & past investments (which sometimes have a lay-over with the current funds): Exit valuations, # of IPO’s, # of M&A deals, # of LBO’s, etc.
  • Return strategy: Is the fund expecting a 10x return or a 5x return. This is further dictated by the type of investors in the fund, and whether or not they are high risk speculative investors in start-ups or providers of growth capital.

Given this, it does not matter if I invest $10 Million or $100,000. The amount of work needed to get both these amounts on the term sheet is the same. No wonder early stage is becoming rarer on the institutional side.

The risk factor for VC’s is a well known parody after the 90’s. With all the due diligence and strategy in the world, investing is still a speculation – a bet - for a lack of better words. I am betting money to bet on you; commonly known as ‘gambling’. But I am doing my homework to maintain some risk adversity – besides, this sort of betting is legal in all 50 states in the US (and around the world). This inherently contradicts the definition of a sale, where you would expect value now or in the future. With VC’s, there is no confirmed future value of goods or services that might translate into cash with every deal. My options are useless if you the company goes under. Where else can I play black jack with $20 Million on the table?

As I was explaining a friend of mine over diner last night, philosophically speaking, venture capital is more a state of mind and than a mere conduit to enabling ideas. The investor writes a check to the entrepreneur, not the company. The entrepreneur IS the company. The investors’ job is to see if the entrepreneur can even afford to ‘buy’ the money, i.e. the ability to judge a person. That’s an art they don’t teach you in any b-school.

Lastly, selling is a niche. There are times when the venture does not need $5 million but just $1 million. The investor sees the big opportunity, the entrepreneur does not. The investors’ job in the sales process is to expose his ideas and sell the big picture. Should we aim for a $20 Million exit valuation for a potential M&A or should we aim for a $200 Million IPO.

The old saying goes “The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one”. Selling money is selling one to person as well as to a group of people at once.

Interestingly, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the verb sell as ‘to deliver or give up in violation of duty, trust, or loyalty and especially for personal gain’ and defines a venture as ‘to expose to hazard; to undertake the risks and dangers of; to offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure’. I will leave you to philosophize this paradigm before you start a venture or plan to fund some company.

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