Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dirigo Telecom Announces Seed Round Funding
Portland, Maine (USA) – September 27, 2007: Dirigo Telecommunications Inc, innovators of breakthrough software and hardware based telecom systems for small and medium businesses (SMB) announced today that it has raised seed round funding of $350,000 from private and state investors.

The company was founded in 2002 by Bill Hunt, after he left Rockwell FirstPoint Contact. He and his team spent 2 years developing the product from ground up, delivering a prototype and launching a few beta sites. Dirigo has created the 1st fully integrated IP-PBX/ACD system capable of working on virtually any telecom platform in operation today including any 3rd party phone sets compatible with the industry standard SIP architecture. Further, Dirigo is the only company in the US providing HIPAA compliant audit reporting capabilities with voice and data.

Dirigo allows resellers and network providers to scale client accounts from 1-1500 lines without any significant operational overhead, costs or time compared to the current competition – a key challenge in the industry today. For end customers, the company brings a full suite of functionality, which until now, was accessible only to large organizations. The company’s unique technology allows these capabilities to be implemented in less time and for much lower cost. This allows smaller firms to build value with its customers, suppliers, manufacturers and other departments in the company. In addition, the product capabilities translate to ease of installation, integration with voice and data and maintenance, which allows for shorter sales cycles, lower cost of support and ownership and compatibility with existing solution. Dirigo currently supports both PBX systems and ACD in a single solution.

The product has won many awards from national telecom standards bodies and has acclaimed credibility at several telecom conferences across the US. The company is in negotiations with big name networking equipment manufacturers for co-development efforts to expand its market niche beyond the SMB’s. Dirigo also plans to expand its position in the market through strategic acquisition.

Dirigo’s clients include small to medium sized businesses, mid-sized contact centers, and a few larger national clients. The company plans to use these funds to expand its market presence in US with very aggressive sales milestones. The company is also in negotiation with telecom resellers in South America, Europe and Russia. Additionally, there are plans to enhance the product to have wireless routers and handsets as well as create redundancy between VoIP and traditional PBX, a fail-over switching mechanism that is currently available only at a large premium to big calls centers.

Bill Hunt has over 20 years experience with customer contact management, both as an engineer and a former entrepreneur. $3M has been invested in the company by the founders so far. Dirigo continues to seek $650k bridge and expects to reach profitability by end of calender year 2008. An exit is expected in 5-6 years.
For more information contact:

Bill Hunt
President & CEO
75 Pearl St - Ste 470
Portland, ME 04101-4101
207 221 6219 Direct
207 221 6200 Main Office
877 870 1234 Toll Free


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